Company’s background and Establishment

GBH (i.e Global Business Headsets) was established in the year 2001, by Mr. Yezdi Godrej Wadia as Telecommunication Headsets India Limited.

GBH started its journey by targeting a niche market in a B2B segment by delivering Premium quality, value of money headsets at the most competitive price.

Moreover, this customer-centric business strategy generated significant momentum and fostered trust among numerous multinational corporations due to GBH’s reliable products and prompt service. As a result, the company expanded its product line and enhanced brand recognition on a global scale, particularly within the IT sector.
That’s when Telecommunication Headsets India limited decided to scale its business services and products from a local Indian Market to a Global Market considering worldwide demand and recognition for its product and service by rebranding itself as Global Business Headsets.

GBH serves as a manufacturer and distributor of a high-quality range of noise cancellation headsets and communication equipment to meet various requirements. Within the B2B sector, the target audience encompasses those in need of specific types of headsets, such as Call Monitoring Headsets, Office Headsets, Call-center Headsets, Wireless Headsets, Aviation Headsets, and Music Headsets.


GBH has 3 core fundamental values it abides to, and it has contributed to its rapid growth over the years

  1. Innovation
  2. Quality
  3. Customer Satisfaction


Global Business Headsets is widely positioned across India in cities like Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Indore.

With small but efficient international branches in Sydney, Vancouver, Toronto, Dubai and Abu Dhabi

In addition to getting closer to its goal, GBH successfully established its brand on a global scale by promoting its product alongside high-quality after-sales service in an international market.

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